Old digital that still kicks butt

Not being a believer that time necessarily = progress, I would like to offer the following example of a sonic gem that has transcended time and can totally kick butt in a modern milieu:
1. Marantz CD5000 al la CD48, Philips Cd753, CDS751: what do these players all have in common:?    the miraculous TDA1549 chip. As Lucas Ficas alias ’Lampizator‘ has described this chip is a killer and  probably the best Philips has produced. If you take the output straight from the chip via high quality output caps the sound quality is still right up there. Add a cathode follower if you you wish for greater solidity and slam at the expense of ultimate clarity.

Add some chassis damping and you have something that plays real music.
Who ever said "time necessarily = progress"? Pretty sure what they say is entropy increases over time. Which is pretty much the opposite. That does not however mean entropy increases uniformly everywhere all the time. We can by intelligent use of energy bring order forth from chaos and create regions where entropy is reversed. Case in point, we can over time learn to create better and better components. Yes, even digital.

This is in fact what you are doing with your example. You took an old CDP, upgraded it with newer parts based on newer understanding, and produced an even better CDP. Happens all the time. 
The Linn CD12 from 1999 is one of the best sounding digital players that I can remember. I recently heard a Chord Hugo TT/MScaler which didn't sound close to being as musical as a CD12, let alone a mid-90s Marantz CD63 SE
Old digital sounding good? Seriously? I certainly have not been exposed to everything... but I have followed the industry and bought high end digital since the beginning. A few years ago I found my Nakamichi CD player... I must have listened to it for five or six seconds before yanking it out and literally throwing it in the trash. Latter I had bought a tube CD player that was warm and not digital, but had no amount of detail. I remember an early DAC that hurt my ears. Wow, maybe there was something out there, I sure never heard it.
My Teac VRDS 25X from 2004 sounds wonderful, dont think I need to upgrade anytime soon.