Wadia ?

MY Wadia 16 was being repaired by Wadia. I was told yesterday that it cannot be fixed. My dealer is offering to sell me a new 581 which can play SACD at a very 'reasonable' price. My dealing with Wadia for the past 3 months have not been positive.
I need your help. Is it worth investing in another Wadia product? Is Wadia financially stable? Has anyone heard or know of the sound quality of the new palyer?
Any response would be appreciated.
Wadia is not financially stable and hasn't been for some time. They are perpetually in and out of business, and yours is not the first service complaint I have heard. You should at the very least audition other gear in the price range. It is your money, but personally I would find another company.
have you checked with steve huntley at great nothern sounds? he repairs/modifies wadia's..
Second Mikesinger's suggestion. Steve also has an inventory of parts for older Wadia gear. He may be able to help you.