Wadia ?

MY Wadia 16 was being repaired by Wadia. I was told yesterday that it cannot be fixed. My dealer is offering to sell me a new 581 which can play SACD at a very 'reasonable' price. My dealing with Wadia for the past 3 months have not been positive.
I need your help. Is it worth investing in another Wadia product? Is Wadia financially stable? Has anyone heard or know of the sound quality of the new palyer?
Any response would be appreciated.
Actually guys, there is no magic parts stash at GNSC sorry to say. We stock whatever we possibly can to support the units we have modified but the day comes with all custom built gear that it can no longer be supported. If Wadia can't fix it I'm sure we can't either. We have a strong commitment to support units we modified for as long as we possibly can, (thats why we turn away far more gear than we take in) but we don't have a bottomless pit of parts so we pretty much only service units we've modded...those clients come first always.
I've just got a digital input upgrade on my 830, they also fixed the transport which my local repair shop couldn't. Fast turn around time.

I see no reason to not stick with Wadia, I haven't heard of anything for less money and comparable sound than my 830 that is an all in one transport/dac/preamp upsampling cd player; if there is something, it would be good to know.
Thanks for your measured comments. I have to say the 16 had been a joy to listen to, so I will exlopre the Wadia option.

Steve, I just sent you a mail regarding my 'situation'. Please let me your your thoughts. Thanks!
Ledoux, Sorry to hear your having trouble with Wadia, but your problems are all too familiar. I had my dealer send them my 830 for a repair, and after they had it for two months, I called them up and they had no idea what I was talking about. My dealer finally got them to find my unit and repair it but it took another month after that for me to get it back. I think Wadia makes a great product, but I wouldn't buy another one due to the company's instability and poor service. Almost everyone says to deal with Great Northern as you can see from the Wadia threads here. Good luck with getting your problem resolved.