All Benchmark System Question

Long time lurker, first time poster. So question relates to my all Benchmark System. I am using the all Benchmark system (AHB2, HPA-4 and DAC 3B with my P3SER’s and loving it most of the time. But if I wanted to add a little more warmth for that 20 percent of the time I think I need to, What would be the best way to do that. My thoughts are maybe switching out the DAC 3B some of the time with an Audio Mirror Troubador, keeping the rest of the system the same. My other, more expensive thought is to leave the DAC 3B and i swapping in the Coda 07x part of the time as I have heard the AHB2 and Coda 07x is a great combination. Obviously that is an expensive fix for 20-30 percent of my listening.
What do you people think?
@regg Well I have everything you mentioned. I bought the CODA 07x because it is a bit warmer than the HPA4 and also has dual XLR outputs. It is amazing with my RAAL SR1a headphones which need warmth, though less today with a fabulous new SR1a specific Convolution filter.

I missed the HPA4 on my office floor standers so I have both preamps setup again today in my office with all my sources. I have 15 foot XLR’s on the 2 preamps that I easily change at the amp end whenever I want to use a particular preamp.

So with all that upfront I can tell you that I know exactly how they compare to each other. They are both great preamps. The CODA is warmer and nosier than the HPA4. That bugs me a little bit but it sounds great with music and the hiss is not noticeable when music is playing. The HPA4 is extremely quite so you notice other gear that is not as quiet. You already know how detailed and amazing the Benchmark stack sounds. The CODA 07x makes things a little less detailed and maybe lively. For example, when I listen to Led Zeppelin I prefer the HPA4. As I write this I am listening to some Bobby Womack on the CODA 07x and it is great.

I would not get the CODA 07x in your situation. I would get the Gustard X26 Pro DAC for $1500 from these guys.

Gustard X26 Pro Balanced DAC Preview (

It has that extra warmth that the DAC3B does not have. Though on some music I prefer the DAC3B. The Gustard is an incredible DAC and do not let the price fool you.

I just sold the AudioMirror Tubadour III SE DAC and want a replacement for it on my office. Something a little warmer than the DAC3B (for my RAAL SR1a specifically). I prefer the Gustard X26 Pro to the AMT3SE. My Gustard X26 Pro was moved to my downstairs mini system since I brought the HPA4 to my office again. So I was thinking of getting a second Gustard X26 Pro for the office. That is how much of a fan I am.

The other DAC that I am considering is the AudioByte Vox | ZAP at 3x more cost. The 2 reasons for this choice is that the AudioByte was compared with the Gustard X26 Pro by a reviewer I like and he gave compelling reasons to have both DACs. The AudioByte will also fit better in my crowded rack compared to the Gustard. My tastes in audio also align well with this reviewer. Soundnews - Everything about sound

YY Santanabarbara,
That is so helpful, thanks! I am itching to get that Coda preamp but I just can’t justify it yet. As you know, when the Benchmark is right it is unbeatable! Just once in a while I feel the need for a little more noise! The Gustard DAC sounds great and please keep me posted on the Audiobyte DAC!
@regg BTW - welcome to A’gon.

I sold my AMT3SE DAC on Sunday, Meze Empy headphones (today), and a KRELL integrated last week so I have an itch to buy a DAC.

I think a better combo than the AHB2 and the CODA 07x would be the CODA #8 and the HPA4. I am going to get the CODA #8 later in the year. I am currently happy with a $1500 D-Sonic M3a 800s Class D amp. It is not as good as the AHB2 but it works better on my speakers. I use the AHB2 on the office SR1a and also my downstairs mini system.

If you want another review of the Gustard X26 Pro send me a DM in A’gon. Someone I know bought the Gustard and wrote me his thoughts on it. Exactly how I felt but he is more eloquent in his descriptions.

BTW - if you get the Gustard X26 Pro (a silver one) and want to save some money via a trade. I have a 2 week old silver Gustard X26 Pro and want to get a black one instead. The seller in China replaced my 2 month old unit because I had an issue with using it as a preamp. It cost me $116 to send by USPS to China and they sent me a new one. Great seller.
I may take you up on that. Would you sell the Benchmark system for the all Coda System? Tough choices!