Avalon Compas


I've heard that there's a new speaker coming out in 2012 from Avalon called Compas, which will place itself inbetween the Eidolon and Time (and perhaps exlude one or both of them over time...?). It will appearently be available with or without the diamond tweeter.

Does anyone know more about this new speaker?
03-30-13: Wattsperchannel
Tidal Contriva Diacera for 25% off. What's not to like?
And you would be a Dealer? The Compas Diamond is using newer generation CELL concept drivers which offer superior sound and coherency.
Ok...I stand corected, but the point is the same.

A newer, better version of the Accutron drivers in the Tidal for 25% less than the Tidals. What's not to like? (No not a dealer, just very interested in the Compas.)

Can't wait to get a chance to hear them.
Melbguy, do you know if the Eidelon Diamonds can utilize these new drivers? I must assume they are pricey, but owning the diamond tweeter, and much enjoying what the Tidal's have accomplished has piqued my desire to take the Diamond's further.
@Wattsperchannel, sorry I misread your post and thought you were advertising a sale on the Tidals! I agree the Compas offers great value compared to the Contriva Diacera & Avalon are using newer drivers.