Raven Osprey with Spatial M3 Sapphires

I’m trying to find a suitable amp to drive my Spatial m3 Sapphires and was looking at the Raven Osprey as an option.
Will the 30 watts cut it and how will the 4 ohm load affect the amp? My room is 16x18 and I listen no louder than 85db max.  I listen to pretty much everything favoring Steely Dan, Fagen, SRV, Dire Straits, Blues, Jazz and some classical.
I would appreciate any expertise you might offer.
Thanks, for me I had always owned SS amps and have been dying to hear what a tube amp offers. The dealer that sold me my Acoustic Signature Triple X sells the Audio Hungary and raves about them. While I did not audition the Raven Osprey, I did audition the Octave V40SE from
They offer a very generous return policy if you are not satisfied, however that is only for in stock items. The class A was a special order they had two demo units of the V40 after hearing it with the Spatials I was convinced it was the right choice.
Granted it was substantially more money than the Osprey but I was already thinking the M3’s needed more muscle. A lot of the posters on Agon say you can drive them with like 12 watts I wasn’t confident in that.
So the Octave V70 Class A is an outstanding sounding amp throughout the frequency range and certainly improves with changes in tubes, power cords and yes even the fuse. It is so detailed that the imagery and soundstage are huge, deep and wide through the Sapphires. But not in a pretentious way, just as it should be real. The midrange is magical and that IMO is where the soundstage lives. Stock tubes are KT120’s, I swapped them with KT150’s improved bass response. The stock driver tubes JJ’s should be changed too at some point. Not that they’re bad but with Siemens ECC81’s and Telefunken ECC83’s the air between instruments is palpable. SR Orange for the fuse further lowers the noise floor as does the Octave Super Black Box which is very worth it but not essential at first. There are not too many reviews out there but the ones I’ve read say pretty much what I have said. Magical Midrange pure clean detailed but not really a tubey warm amp at all. After breaking it in I’m still in awe at how beautiful my music sounds, yes the music as it should be. The Safe and Sound dealer was wonderful to work with, Mike is the owner but you can ask for Aaron as well. I would recommend buying a V40se or another one of their demo units and that will give you an idea of the Octave signature sound. Then you can always return it in 30 days without any restocking charge, which Raven does. Let me know if I can help further and if your close by in Massachusetts your welcome to a listen

i have not had an octave amp but it sounds like serious stuff, very solid engineering, nothing homebrewed about it

i would agree that m3 sapphires benefit from more rather than less power, especially if using tube amplification

@audiosaurusrex -- thank you for the detailed response. I really like what I'm hearing -- magical midrange, clean detailed, not overly warm/tubey, huge soundstage, palpability.

Since you have had SS amps before, how do you compare bass and dynamics? I used to have an Audio Research GSi75, and while I really liked the amp, I was never impressed by the quality of the bass -- too loose and flabby. This is one area where the Luxman 590AXII just walked all over the ARC. Of course, I understand that tube amps have their limitations when it comes to bass, but having said that what are your thoughts on attributes like punch, tightness and control, especially when compared to your experience with SS amps?
Yes I didn't speak to the bass. I have owned Parasound, Krell, more recently SPL and then decided to switch to tubes. So the big difference in bass for me came when I went with an open baffle speaker. I came from Vandersteen 2 ce's which made the room shake. The M3's certainly don't do that, they're so very different. It took me a while to adjust to the change thinking I was missing something. I was wrong, in fact the Spatial's brought out everything in the music, just not over emphasized.
Even with the SS amps the bass was noticeably better, tighter and more detailed. The Octave was certainly leaner but again more real IMO. When I switched to the KT150's bass response improved even more. I think based on your room acoustics and getting the M3's dialed in the Octave is a stellar performer. The other thing I read after the fact that the V70 Class A seems to be optimized for 4 ohm again another match with the M3. @jjss49  is correct with his assessment on power. The Octave has the ability to use low power tubes KT88, 6550 which I tried and the difference is very noticeable. The higher power just makes the M3 so much fuller. Octave manufactures their own transformers and Andreas and family are very responsive to inquiries. I've emailed him quite a few times to ask for his expertise. Always responds even to my more mundane questions. Both Octaves I demoed are dead quiet and use the ecopower to save tube life. The V70 is autobias and the V40 you have to adjust. I found the V40se to be a beautiful amp with the M3's as well for half the money. Same price as the Osprey. The V70 Class A (Reflection price range) takes that beautiful midrange and IMO achieves what Clayton Shaw intended in his engineering of the M3 Sapphire.
@audiosaurusrex -- thank you, again. Your posts are really so helpful, there's nothing better than hearing from actual owners instead of professional reviewers or dealers. Also, appreciate the offer to visit your place. Unfortunately, TX is quite a ways from MA, otherwise I would have definitely taken you up on the offer.

BTW, do you know if your amp can take KT170s? I've heard that they take it to the next level.