Sell Me Your Women, Your Children, Your Vintage Turntable...

Ok I’m trying to understand the appeal of buying something like an old Garrard 301 or an elderly Technics all trussed up in a shiny new plinth, versus something manufactured in the 21st century by people not wearing clogs.

Surely modern gear has to perform better, dollar for dollar? It isn’t like these restored Garrards are exactly cheap, i was looking at one for almost $11k yesterday on Reverb. The internals looked like something out of a Meccano set.
 I ought to be more in tune with the past, I’m almost 60 and wear bell bottoms, but the style of the older TTs just doesn’t do it for me. Now then, my Dr. Feickert Volare had a look that was hardly futuristic, but that’s about as retro as I’d prefer to go.
All that said... I will buy one of these old buggers if it genuinely elevates performance. 
With $10k available for table and arm, on the new or used market, how would you splash the cash?

NFS woman in my life, and she'd be pissed at everyone at that juncture.

No children; the ones' I don't know about don't know who or where I might be.....likely a Good Thing for all involved.

Vintage TT's: a near mint Z100 (even the dust cover, NFS), a Teac tangital for playing anything 'old' that strikes fancy but of unknown quality.  A Rabco SL-8 arm that needs TLC, but in no hurry to play with.

I'd rather consider a maglev tangital, and leave compressors behind.

But, I'm just like that...Had old & new stuff, not so much my focus.

OHM, Farm Grrl is easy on the eyes but I'd rather stare at your shop.  See how much I recognise....;)
Idler drives do have different sonics than belt drives and direct drives. For me it’s the dynamic prowess, the sense of liveliness making it a good listen. My Basis was quieter though, and it was a great turntable. My Sota Cosmos was also very quiet with good depth. But I sold both as my 301 has the more satisfying sound in the end. It’s also easy to get parts for and maintain in good condition, not that you need parts that often. The speed switch broke on mine, and that’s about the only thing I’ve needed to replace in 31 years.
Also can’t quite believe the eye-watering prices you pay for them across the pond, I bought mine for around £50 in 1990! If you’re interested in trying an idler I’d get a cheaper 301 that might need a bit of painting or cosmetic repair etc, and spend the extra on a tonearm/cartridge and low distortion power supply for the motor. The power supply makes it more stable sounding, gives more depth and makes it quieter by running the motor at slightly lower voltage.
I’m setting here looking at a TD124 I, and a TD121. Pretty serious TT.
The rumble on those tables is the lowest of all of them. Hands down..
Get a stethoscope listen for yourself at the bearing base

I dug out a Garrard 401 (still 220 50hz) Hmmm??? Tiny
I like the 301 better, BUT I know I can get the 401 quieter.

I have my/a Russco sitting on a mobile. I’m setting it up for RtR recording. :-) Working on an air ride, we’ll see.
Garrard Killers, you should see the two setting side by side. OLD VW bus vs New Mercedes van.. LOL Twice as big.. Motor TWICE as big easy. 10th HP.. F/motors.. "Drivers start your engines" ZOOOOOM!!!

I have a 47 pounder I started 40 years ago. I did 5 of them. I have one left it’s on my page, it had a bugger or two.

Fairchild, Roberts, and EMT. Talk about "let me line my walls with".
The best I ever had was a 750 Fairchild with air lift.. ZERO rumble, 1 minute warm up.. Some one nicked it out of a friends house?????

One Of A Kind SOTA or moded TT are the absolute best, age HAZZZZZ ZERO to do with it..

Get one of each get a good arm or two and then a great cart/phono stage or two.

I’m going with mobile tonearm stands and arm boards for mounts too, tired of stationary mounts, friggen’ PITA.

Too many flavors to stick with just ONE or TWO or THREE, OP, don't you think?

4 is close 5 or 6 sounds better..

For now.. A pair of 124s. Definite Peach flavor.. and a dab of Russco, (flavor yet to be determined).

Brand new Dr. Feikert Black Bird with Kuzma Stogi S 12" tonearm with VTA tower $10,540.

If I had 10k to spend on a table I would be considering this one.

Now if I had 15k maybe the Feikert Trio (3 motors) with a Kuzma 4 point 11"