All Benchmark System Question

Long time lurker, first time poster. So question relates to my all Benchmark System. I am using the all Benchmark system (AHB2, HPA-4 and DAC 3B with my P3SER’s and loving it most of the time. But if I wanted to add a little more warmth for that 20 percent of the time I think I need to, What would be the best way to do that. My thoughts are maybe switching out the DAC 3B some of the time with an Audio Mirror Troubador, keeping the rest of the system the same. My other, more expensive thought is to leave the DAC 3B and i swapping in the Coda 07x part of the time as I have heard the AHB2 and Coda 07x is a great combination. Obviously that is an expensive fix for 20-30 percent of my listening.
What do you people think?
So it sounds like as long as the streamer/ streamer DAC is connected by ethernet cable to the network, it’s fine if I am communicating with the streamer through my iphone over wi-fi, that is, the phone doesn’t have to have a wired connection to the Streamer. I will try one of the recommended streamers and then add a different DAC into the mix (unless the streamer I chose has a DAC. I also agree with the previous comment that there are limitations to the P3SER but they work well in my System. I will await YYsantabarbara’s thoughts on the Audiobyte. Hearing everyone’s thoughts on this I will wait before switching out any Benchmark gear. The HPA-4 also sounds amazing with my Focal Clear’s.
I will be surprised if changing streamers as suggested makes a big difference but you never know. With your high resolving gear perhaps. I’d try a different DAC at the source first, but that’s just me.

Also trying USB from streamer to DAC rather than coax or optical might be worth a try.

I’ve always used wifi for my hifi related network connections and find that works very well though there is a school of thought that says wired is better but also more subject to noise issues I suspect and hence also more problematic if so especially with a highly resolving system.

Regardless, I’d try the cheap/easy tweaks first before making any expensive changes with streamer. Just me. I’d also look at the sub option. Do it right to properly isolate and integrate the sub as needed (not hard) and that’s a clear win to start with. All you need is a sound meter app on your smartphone and a white noise internet station source to stream to get a sub integrated in pretty well. Of course with more bass there is potential for more room acoustics issues, but adding a sub to small speakers like those in a system like yours is likely most always a very good move.
So much disagreement over whether a different streamer makes a difference. I guess the point will be moot if there is a great DAC that has a streamer. I once heard an Ayre Codex that sounded surprisingly good (not a Benchmark system though). I am not looking to better the DAC 3B, just looking for a different flavor. The Sub is also on my list if I can find a place to put it-the fact of life in big city apartment living.
Whoops did you say apartment?
Sub might not be a good idea in that case where there are neighbors nearby. 😉
Exactly! DAC will probably be swapped first. I read the review YYsantabarbara provided on the Gustard and it sounds like a fantastic option. The reviewer actually liked it better than the Benchmark DAC3 (he liked it better than almost every other DAC) and he was running through an HPA-4. Thanks to YYsantabarbara for the link. I will keep everyone posted when it’s in house (I should say apartment rather!)