Class A DEscrete opamps new design

Just arrived a  pair of LKS Class A JFET (not sure what all this  translates) and I mean they R&R.
This is no subtle nuance. This is a modification of sorts.
The instrumentations/vocals are now layered, not Gumbo-ed.
I had 2 other expensive dual opamsp in the Jadis JS2 Mark2 DAC, but these JFET's blow both other labs away.
 The DAC takes 4, only order 1 pair for testing, now ordered a  2nd pair, So I expect even more finer detailing/soundstage upon employing the other pair of duals. 
This is a  new design, and was 2 years in research before released on the market. 
There is no dual opamp that will outperform this JFET. 
This lab does not make a  single, For that you will have to ck out a  single opamp called SA100 .
The design looks similiar so I would expect same spectacular performance.
Item #

Interesting, I will check it out. Didn't know they made class A JFET opamps. I'm going to upgrade my CD player soon and these sound like the way to go providing the specs are close to the original opamps in the player now. Are the item #'s listed LKS part numbers?
Ebay item #’s.
I had 2 other high tech descrete opamps 1 made in the USA the other from china.
These JFET’s are a clear winner in this 3 way shootout.
Prices are same as other 2 labs.
This JFET was the tweak = closer to a modification-of-sorts, was the doorway which opened up all my other upgardes to - do their thing-.
IOW the soundstage came alive ina astonishing way with these JFET’s.
AS you guys know i’ve been in experiementing phase in my upgrades, new resistors, new caps, new wiring. Throughout my entire system.
Seems if we upgrade all resistors/caps, wiring, yet there is one component in the ~~source~~~ which is not up to par with the other upgrades, This may result in a ~~blockage~~ for the other new high tech upgrades to really bloom their magic.

Richard Gray hinted to me some weeks ago, a comment such ~~ the new chips really are not that much superior to the older DAC chips~~~
Which I could not affrim or refute.
Its possible if we could swap out the older chips in the JS2/Mark2 DAC with newer **more advanced* chips, its possible the gains would have been
1) Minimal
2) hardly noticeable
= A/B testing, = lucky guess.
But here in these opamps swap,
I noted right away the superior gains across the board.
I was not expecting this upgrade to be as much. Took me by surprise.
Go read carefully the descrip.
These opamps, were in testing for 2 years, tweaking all the time to -get it right-.
Some engineer in that lab, made by the chinese lab called
--Mu Sheng Electronic-
really knows his stuff.
The singles appear to be another lab, Sold by Douk Audio on ebay, the SA100.
DA also sells another dual, which looks close to these JFET’s, but not exactly the same and are more pricey.
There are other S Korean labs selling high tech opamps, but can not confirm how they perform.
IMHO these JFET’s are ~~ as-good-as-it-gets-
I think Jadis had old standard LM or TI"s initially installed.
Richard Gray is also old school, he’s not into these new high tech opamps,
He was not impressed with either of the other 2 we installed, but when he unwraped these opamps, i think i heard a hushed ~~wow~. He looked them over with his magnifer carefully, I know he liked all the chips neatly, clean design.
Finally I get to experience the image is not all smeared up/gumbled together, , there is layering, separation.
The human voice is cleaner than before, and now i understand this concept of -quiet-.
I checked these out, but I'm not going to consider them for my application. Looks too klugey for me, but thanks.