Does Steely Dan sound bright to you?

This is going to sound like a somewhat random question but I’m wondering how many of you find Steely Dan’s recordings to sound a bit bright. I’m particularly thinking of Gaucho, and Aja but some other recent recordings, too, such as Fagen’s Nightfly.

My typical media include streaming (CD and HD quality) and CD’s. I have not played my old vinyl because I’m presently without a turntable.

At first I thought it was my system and it was driving me a little bit mental; eventually, I decided it wasn't my stuff, it was their stuff. Because most other recordings on the same system with no other changes don’t typically have the brightness of Steely Dan.

Whether or not you’re a fan (I am) Steely Dan has often been a go-to for testing out equipment, so I imagine there will be experiences people have had about this.

P.S. Any other recordings which, for you are unnaturally bright?

@mijostyn Afraid that won't explain it. No peaks there, at least not on REW scans. All looks good in both SPL and Spectrogram graphs. No ringing either on Waterfall graphs. 
Eleven Tracks of Whack…..get a better DAC…

My shortlist: Brinkman, Aesthetix, Lampizator Amber x or better, MSB Analog w powerbase

i never recommend or blather on about gear i haven’t owned or lived w inhouse for days…..

My clear vinyl pressing of Sunken Condos is a basket case poster child for absent quality control…

carry on !
@tomic601 - you should have returned it. It sounds great and since it is on 2 records, you don’t go too far into the middle on the 3 sides. That shows caring about quality instead of jamming it onto 2 sides. Whoever heard of leaving a side blank (other than on 45 single album 4 record sets pressed on one side only that cost a fortune).
planning for quality ( 3 sides ) is not the same as executing it ( pressing ). I didn’t return it as it was a demo disc from a high end shop i adore…..

a shameless plug for them; Gig Harbor Audio

IF a contributor here would like it, gratis shipped to your door in the USA, just PM me. I roll like that. Sometimes i get rolled by the big Karmic wheel….
