klipsh scala speakers

my son likes his music loud so it can make his room shake! he's been looking at these speakers lately. there are different models of these out there! which ever model he decides to buy will he be happy with it???
The list of apologies made by all Klipsch speakers should be fairly long but no speaker ever made neednt make at least a few. 

And please quit talking about the importance of upstream components with Klipsch speakers. This is true of any good speaker design and other than noise, I would think Klipsch would be more forgiving than many. Are you guys referring to the incompatibility with most S.S.? 

Again havent heard the new line, but I doubt they would change the sound significantly as they have a pretty dedicated following. 

Understood. Not everyone wants rich tone, whipcrack dynamics, a 3 dimensional soundstage, realistic images and dense vocal reproduction. So this is you, no shame in that. This type of sound is not for everyone.