Do I NEVER shut it off…?

Gryphon says in the instruction manual to leave the amp on. (Diablo 300) 

It sounds amazing and never shuts down, but gets almost too hot to touch on certain parts of the side heat syncs. 
Really…? Leave it on all the time…?

What do you guys think…?

Thank you…!
You can leave it on all the time but it is best to shut it off for obvious reasons but for the best sound all the time you need to leave it on.
My Pass Labs XA-25 has not been turned off even once since it was plugged in...except for a couple power outages that lasted a few hours during storms. 
First, I would ask the manufacturer. Something with a fan motor will not last. If you listen every day I would leave it on. If you go on vacation for a week or so turn it off. Somethings do not do well when they are turned on and off all the time. Some manufacturers didn’t even put a power switch on there amps. I have tested this myself. Most things improve drastically. If you can’t hear a difference then go according to the manufactures recommendations. I can’t imagine the caps are fully charged in an hour. I remember the big Electrocompaniet amps sounded best after 2-3 days though they were the size of carry-on suitcases. I do know that some standby power options still leave the amp pretty charged up. I am demoing the Ayre VX-5 amplifier. At first the amp was a little sterile, but the bass was really punchy. Two days later it sounds like heaven. Everything sounds so detailed and very life like. The store I buy gear from in the Chicagoland area is the only Ayre dealer in three states.
At 175 watts per channel this Ayre VX-5 amp is awesome. Any ways, Call the manufacturer. Ayre said leave it on unless you are not going to use it for a week or so. It sounds better. 
All this bs about energy consumption is not based on ANY science on this planet at any level or any narrative. 

Are there any rational people that actually believe that something like climate change could actually be caused by man?  That is so stupid and disproven by years of research, mathematics and physics that it make all the climate terrorists look stupid.

Do the science and math if you think otherwise.