I'm only about 25 minutes into the video that rodman9999 provided and when I came to the pun Fysiks (invented by the hippy physicists), a light bulb went off over my pate.
Knowing that Rob Reiner was a child of those times, I wondered when he wrote and directed The Princess Bride, if he named Andre the Giant's character Fezzik, to commemorate, in some manner, those physicists.
Fezzik was always considered dense and slow but always came through, not to mention having the worst rhyming puns imaginable.
All the best,
Knowing that Rob Reiner was a child of those times, I wondered when he wrote and directed The Princess Bride, if he named Andre the Giant's character Fezzik, to commemorate, in some manner, those physicists.
Fezzik was always considered dense and slow but always came through, not to mention having the worst rhyming puns imaginable.
All the best,