Ok, but does your audio gear have rotons (metamaterials)?

Not yet. But get ready for the LS50 Meta Meta.

"A group of researchers is working on metamaterials that "grow" rotons. Metamaterials exhibit optical, acoustic, electrical, or magnetic properties that are not found in nature.…Thus, it might be possible in the future to better manipulate sound waves in air or in materials, for example, to bounce them back, redirect them, or create echoes. These materials have not been demonstrated experimentally yet; however, it should be possible to produce them by using technologies such as ultra-precise 3D laser printing." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/06/210610135559.htm
    I'm only about 25 minutes into the video that rodman9999 provided and when I came to the pun Fysiks (invented by the hippy physicists), a light bulb went off over my pate. 
    Knowing that Rob Reiner was a child of those times, I wondered when he wrote and directed The Princess Bride, if he named Andre the Giant's character Fezzik, to commemorate, in some manner, those physicists. 
     Fezzik was always considered dense and slow but always came through, not to mention having the worst rhyming puns imaginable.

All the best,
It's a wonderfully complex universe we find ourselves within...

Potentially, holographic.  Great, fantastic detail, and the script of the 'movie' ranges from the insane to the inane.  Most involves 'us', but we're just players on the stage....

I look at this keyboard, the desk it's upon, and all the other 'items about' that are mostly 'empty space' but still will FYU if fallen into or down on....

The black of night doesn't surprise, really.  Point sources, tiny at these distances....and sheer time.
The universe is beyond one's comprehension of 'large'.
Ditto age; begin to 'that's all, folks..."
100 trillion years is the best rough guess at by some.  And more for most, just tomorrow counts...."Efn' Mondays...."

Rotons......If we find them on Mars (since we can 'hear' there with the proper devices...), Then we've learned just one more byte...
"It's not just from living in an aquarium of sorts...."  Or is...*L*

How does one really explain life and ones' consciousness of it?  Just a bio-eclectic function responding to quantum flows?

A 'spooky action' at close range?  Until it's not.
Does 'it' move 'elsewhere'?
Consider the 'multiverse' conundrum...

"...into the mystic."  Another time/place/space/face.

Or not.  Nice to chat with y'all in the meanwhile. *G*

'Off topic'?  Uh Huh....;)

@mijostyn...sythwrist, now I've not heard of such....

...but not surprised, tho....  We be Borg soon enough....

'Cyborg Lifestyles of the Insanely Rich', coming to a 'feed' at your fingertips...or voice recognition...or 'Expression Comprehension' *Trade Mark*...

...or Stare Hard & think Out Loud....

*L*  We get to play in the future constantly.
"Everything in this post can be EASILY VERIFIED, on the Net."

Rodman, do NOT believe everything you see on the net.  As time passes, more and more material is false, sometimes through ignorance, more often through intent to put up false and misleading information.

Anyone who believes the net is a reliable place to verify things is SO WRONG.