...high '20s' to mid '30's, but in town. Traffic dies off at night. Next to rails, so occasional 'loudnesses' beyond control....
...sounds of Industry, all that....*s*
No 'real close' neighbors, so dB is what I'd care to do.
Source: 'Live' calibrated into R/T eq display...
Space itself is....'tolerable'.....most 'noise floor' is just the sound of 'things'....Multiple 'puters, light racket....
...sounds of Industry, all that....*s*
No 'real close' neighbors, so dB is what I'd care to do.
Source: 'Live' calibrated into R/T eq display...
Space itself is....'tolerable'.....most 'noise floor' is just the sound of 'things'....Multiple 'puters, light racket....