There's simply no way a traditional 2-way mini-monitor is worth $9k.
"Worth" is of course subjective.
If I wanted a premium DIY build I could get that for a quarter of that price.
Of course, that goes without saying. It has always been the case that you can have something much cheaper if you put the work in doing it yourself.
When buying an audio product you are paying for the many years of building experience and experimentation from the builder that led to the performance of the product, and for their overhead, what they need to run the business, shipping, advertising etc. Nothing new here.
Whenever people say 'that's a rip off because I can get it much cheaper doing it myself" it reminds me of people who attack fine dining "Look at those small portions! I could have a way cheaper meal that would be more filling just cooking at home!"
Kinda misses the point to say the least. It depends what you value.I highly value "being cooked for" and the feeling of going to a nice restaurant and trying dishes that I would never put the effort in to making. Other people don't. Likewise, I'll pay what I can afford for a speaker that looks and sounds exactly as I want, because I'm not remotely interested in turning speaker-making in to my own hobby.My free time is far more valuably (to me) spent on other things I like as well.