Tube vs. Solid State Amplifiers

I found this really good link regarding the differences:

I've heard some (who are much more knowledgeable than me) say that a tube amp and solid state amp which are rated at the same output power in practice will not drive a speaker to the same level, that in selecting amplifier power levels, you would get similar results from lower powered tube amps.

I thought it would be interesting to see what those who know much more about this subject would contribute to this discussion.
Hate to be crotchety here but artistic expression in Industrial Design is secondary to making money. A lot of research and design by Volkswagen, Apple, etc… is to determine an aesthetic that will drive consumerism. If a manufacturer misses the mark in terms of it’s Industrial or Graphic Design, that determiner is supported primarily by a lack of revenue. Aesthetic principles however should support the functionality of the product, just as Set Design should support the play it was created for. There have been numerous times when I’ve found certain products to be less than visually appealing however they sold well and so there was no incentive for the manufacturer to change its appearance. So to each his own but for the company, it’s just a business decision.
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Ive got about 15 amps and at least Half are Tube Amps. Never commented on your appearance at all. I have NO IDEA what you look like nor do I care. Maybe I should have said RUDY from "Used Cars" instead to get the point across.

Jay wants you to post another 1000 word Tirade on his thread all in 1 sentence again. It will be completely ignored just like the last one. Nobody cares about what you think anymore than they care what my opinion of the appearance of these amps are.

Best of luck moving your "art". 4-5 years and hardly anybody has ever heard of them. If they were a Vinyl Record they would be in the Cutout Bin. If smoking comes back in vogue I’ll order some of those ashtrays from you. You wont be pocketing $3000+ per pair from me though. PT Barnum indeed.

If these amps are so wonderful and you have total conviction why are you not re-investing all those people's money and put it into ADVERTISING??? Thats how one makes a product become KNOWN....not word of mouth from the same 3 guys on Audiogon who are obviously shilling for you. Put your money where your mouth is...Business 101.

I have a tube preamp and SS amp.

I've listened to both tube and SS amps.  They both can sound great.

I shied away from tube amps due to the risk of tubes going bad or bursting.

An excellent sounding amp is still an excellent sound amp.  Listen to Audio Research amp versus a Naim or Boulder unit and I think you may recognize there's more than one way for excellent sound.  Are exellent tube amps with the price in money and the time (warmup, service, etc)?