You got that one right, there are an awful lot of factors that go into it, which is why I lean so heavily on educating on principles first and recommending specific solutions second. If I was there in person it would be pretty easy to eyeball and come up with a solution. Over email we have to fall back on generalities.
Mass will solve most problems, if you can get enough of it. That's the trick. Fortunately mass is dirt cheap. Literally: one or two 50 lb bags of play sand, in a box several inches deep, put a piece of MDF or butcher block on top, you are pretty much golden. Put some Pods on top of that, turntable on Pods, now you definitely are golden.
You are doing it just like I did, Nobsound first as proof of concept, which then either is deemed "good enough" and you are done, or you like it and want more in which case Pods. If you do go to Pods remember Nobsound will work under all your other components, and you can make extra footers from the leftover springs. One of the all time great bargain tweaks.
Mass will solve most problems, if you can get enough of it. That's the trick. Fortunately mass is dirt cheap. Literally: one or two 50 lb bags of play sand, in a box several inches deep, put a piece of MDF or butcher block on top, you are pretty much golden. Put some Pods on top of that, turntable on Pods, now you definitely are golden.
You are doing it just like I did, Nobsound first as proof of concept, which then either is deemed "good enough" and you are done, or you like it and want more in which case Pods. If you do go to Pods remember Nobsound will work under all your other components, and you can make extra footers from the leftover springs. One of the all time great bargain tweaks.