Test and repair amp

I’ve got an NYAL Moscode 600 and I’m in Dallas Tx. It’s 30 years plus old. Great condition, however, I’d like to get it looked at and caps replaced etc if necessary. Anyone know of a reputable service qualified to work on high end amps in Dallas. Thanks in advance, I’ve been a reader for years. This is the first time I’ve posted. Hope I’m in the right place.  Thanks, Mike G
mijostyn - Guess you didn't read the OP's post where he said the worst thing for him would be for him to do it... 

Wow, just now getting back to this thread and seeing the great responses. Very Helpful
info. Didn't mean to sound like a total noob.
I've had a set of Eminent Tech LFT8B's on order for a few weeks.Currently listening to a set of floor standing Tannoys.  Just temporarily right now, they do sound pretty good though. I sold a pair of Hales Concept 5's after 20 years. Excited to get back to planar speakers. 
Long story short. I will wait and try this amp with the LFT8B's as it is working fine, looks brand new, and then as a backup use a set of Monarchy SM 70 Pro mono's while I attempt to recap the Moscode.
If anyone knows how to get a schematic or a good source for questions about caps and values to use, I'd appreciate it. Sorry to be so verbose and thanks again for help.
I want to specifically thank mijostyn for the links, I will use them.
czarivey, thanks, after 25 years I'm amazed the caps even work, the electrolytics need to be replaced as a maintenance issue anyway.
gmosley, sorry to hear that about George I knew him and met Harvey back in the day. He was always such a great guy, very bright.
pch300, if you see a bright flash down towards Texas in the next few weeks, well it might have been me! I get it safety first.
Great group, thanks