There are tube pre-amps better than solid state and solid state better than tube. It really isn't a question of tube sound vs. solid state either because each product sounds decidedly different than another, solid state or tube notwithstanding. It depends on how that product sounds combined in your system and if you like the sound. Tubes begin to lose life the moment you apply electricity to them. Same with solid state. People just for some reason think differently about solid state life than tubes. that is wrong. First, tubes and solid state's bias have to be adjusted after so long. Second, solid state do lose life and need replacement also. No one talks about that because it is much more difficult (not impossible) to replace transistors than tubes. I do it all the time. There are much better sounding and more linear transistors today than yesterday and if you find transistors that have the same voltage, current, hfe, etc. characteristics and replace the old ones, you will find an absolutely wonderful sounding amp. Unless you get into the tube of the month club as I have seen, then you should stick to the recommended tubes from the manufacturer. That is simple. Either they are matched sets or not. Either way, go by what the manufacturer recommends for replacement. There are several places to buy tubes. Some places test, burn in and measure tubes and match them for your amp, pre-amp before sending them to you. Other's, well, you are on your own. I like the Audio Research REF 3, because it just sounds wonderful in my system. I also liked the AR SP 11, and the Robertson solid state pre-amp was better than the AR SP 9 MK II believe it or not. But, the Boulder top of the line, blew all of them away and it was solid state. I'm sure the Mark Levinson and Pass pre-amps along with YBA and many others also stack up very well with Tubes. It depends on how they sound in your system and whether it makes you smile when you listen. If you find yourself sitting for hours without fatique or the desire to get up. then you are there, tube or solid state. find what works and sound good and right to you. Don't go by what other's tell you. Borrow equipment and listen at home. Also, don't trust other's ears, their hearing may be faulty and they don't know it. Happens all the time.
Borrow equipment and listen. Tube or solid state. But remember, compare within the same price range equipment. they are designed based on price range most of the time. So, compare apples to apples. don't compare a REF 3 to a $200 solid state pre-amp and say the solid state pre-amp sucks. It comes down to what you like in the way of sound from your equipment in your house and most importantly, your price range.
But, difficulty with tubes? They really are simple, not very complicated.
Listen and enjoy.
Borrow equipment and listen. Tube or solid state. But remember, compare within the same price range equipment. they are designed based on price range most of the time. So, compare apples to apples. don't compare a REF 3 to a $200 solid state pre-amp and say the solid state pre-amp sucks. It comes down to what you like in the way of sound from your equipment in your house and most importantly, your price range.
But, difficulty with tubes? They really are simple, not very complicated.
Listen and enjoy.