Help with first cable upgrade.

I have a Musical Fidelity v-150, rotel rp-3000 turntable and an old Sony CD player.  I have 2 sets of speakers B&W CM2's and JM Lab chorus floorstanding speakers I may have to part with due to space.  My power cables and interconnect cables are cheap stock.  My speaker cables are a 20 year old or so set of MIT shotgun cables.  Any recommendations for budget friendly cables that may help the bass or soften the brightness of my system?  Thanks.
"Not true."
What a piece of work!!!

We are not for show here, genius.  
It's about sound.  
Enjoy the music.
I have some Canare's and blue jean cables. got to blue jean cables website. Real good and great price.
ALSO u can get some good ZU Audio cables on ebay depending on how you do in the auction. I love all the cables too!
It would be best if you purchased from dealers with a return policy or trial period.