Audio Engineering Society and cables

@thyname-  Well… there is a lot of historical precedence on this phenomenon. Example: how many years (centuries?) did it take to prove earth is not flat? Or that sun does not orbit earth but the other way around? I can name many examples."

      How about: the current theory that the entire universe is, "flat" (two dimensional).
                                 And: there are a plethora, that get ever stranger!

       The breakthrough that dispelled the junk beliefs you mention, was Galileo's telescope (a better way to VIEW and MEASURE cosmic phenomena).    It took The Hubble Telescope, to prove Einstein's Cosmological Constant, which even he (purportedly) considered a blunder, correct.  

         For all the science, technology, measurements, PHDs (Doctors and Scientists), elimination of variables, careful choice of testers/listeners, scrupulous application of double-blind test procedures, etc, that went into to the above study:

                                 The naysayer's response will remain, "YEAH, BUT!"
Yeah, but it's gotta be thick or I couldn't stand up.
Or is that, lay down?