behringer DEQ2496

I am a very beginner but had a chance to own a pro device since it was second-hand and cheap :)
all I need is to connect my microphone into the DEQ, use the limiter, equalizer while I am making the voice-over, then get the corrected voice into my audio interface (Zoom H6)
Is it possible at all?
I tried some of the obvious solutions but none of them being successful.
I can connect my mic into the left or right inputs and connect the left or right output into my Zoom H6. in this situation I get a clear voice into my zoom when I bypass my DEQ!!! any attempt to get a signal without bypassing, was failing
what am I missing?
Thank you in advance and very sorry for my basic question
Fuzztone, actually I did. I could make it to work connecting my Sennheiser ew300 wireless mic into it and it worked exactly as I want :) but I could not make it to work with mic as input yet.. 
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@ashk1860: What other microphone are are you trying to use, beside the wireless?

Just a thought: if that other mic requires phantom power (ie: an upper-crust condenser mic); that option must be chosen, for it to work. (MIC LEVEL +15V)

You’re not trying to use the RTA/MIC IN, for any of this, are you?
no I don’t. As I understand that is just used for measurement. I tried several mics mainly mv7, oktava mk012,…. I think I need to use preamps. I am borrowing one to test :)
@ashk1860-   "As I understand that is just used for measurement."

                                        Which is why I asked!

                     I’ve seen much sillier mistakes made, in the field.

Either of those mics should work, with a mic preamp (you're correct), into the 24/96 (R IN/L IN).

                  From there: use the I/O menu to select your signal path.                  

                                      Go make some music.