Van Morrison Latest Record Project

The music critic reviews for Van Morrison's, "Latest Record Project", are very negative.  I listened to it last night, and really enjoyed it.  It has excellent music, instrument artistry, beautiful band arrangements and sound quality.  The lyrics are very politically incorrect.  I'm interested in other opinions.
I love it.  Forget about the reviewers.  If the song lyrics and Van’s perspective of the lockdown fit their views, then they would like it more.  You hit the nail on the head with your positive comments.  He is in his mid seventies and still putting out good music with is voice sounding good and in tact.  That is rare for sure at his age. 
I’ll have to give it a 2nd listen.  The first time around really didn’t do it for me.  It wasn’t a bad album…It just wasn’t Van Morrison a la the “Moondance” era.  IMO, that’s the problem a lot of artists run into who’ve created their masterpiece early on…any subsequent work tends to be measured against the masterpiece rather than material by other artists inhabiting the same time-slot-in-history as the later work (By that measure, I’d give “…Project” a solid B.)
I have generally enjoyed all Vans albums as they came out, been a fan since he was with Them, and have enjoyed each one on it's own merit as he changed and grew as an artist. He has been quite prolific with new releases and was going to skip this one because the reviewers mentioned that he had an axe to grind, then I remembered that he has always had an axe to grind. I will get an ear on this one before I purchase but will check it out. Enjoy the music
Honestly, I don’t care for Vans latest. Could not get through the first listen. Disappointing.