+1 to those who suggested Rogue. I have a Stereo 100 driven by a Rogue RP7. Amperex 7316 + Amperex Bugle Boys in the RP7, Amperex long plate 12AX7 + Mazda long plates 12AU7 in the Stereo 100. Speakers are Legacy Signature SE (4 ohm). There are times I can’t believe how good this sounds. Rich, detailed, spot on treble decay, bass for days if called for. I literally have no desire to change anything anytime soon. Of course most in this thread will suggest what they own or have had lots of experience with... guilty! I had a Parasound Hint with Tannoys before this. That was no slouch either, but holds no candle to my setup now. I know one can get MUCH higher end amps, but I'm good for now, and indefinitely. Famous last words?