Fuses are there for a reason! I've never bypassed a fuse, even briefly for testing, nor do I intend to. I know some can't wrap their brain around the idea, but I think it’s possible to treat a fuse in some way, and have it actually sound better than no fuse. I’ve never tested this myself, so I have no way of knowing for sure. Feel free to call me crazy (I'm sure some will, regardless😉)
Anybody receive one from Tweek Geek this week? I have a light blue for my dac and a yellow for my amp coming Monday. 
$2844 is not enough. My mapman funky fuse will be coming out soon for $4823 and it will be 4X as good. Just don’t open up or warranty voided. ALso if it blows properly when it should no free replacements on a costly-to-make 5K fuse.  THere is expensive stuff inside though so a local scrap metal yard might offer a good price for a blown funky fuse.
All this negative jibber jabber and no one has climbed up the color ladder and demoed these fuses. 

Talk is cheap.

I went yellow today and if it’s killer I will do purple.

I will keep climbing the color chart until the increase of SQ stops.

$2.8K is worth it if you have the funds and it delivers the goods.

I drive a beater Toyota Tacoma 2001 with 239,000 miles and I could not care less what I drive from point a to point b.

wife has a new car 😂

audio to me is much higher on my Priority list than a vehicle.

you negative dudes on this thread have car payments 🤓