Best DAC?

Recommended DAC up to $5000.  Key sonic characteristics? Thank you!
These Days or years for that mater big name audio  started will guy a dream a passion  to make good QT equipment the investors Corporate kills the Dream  i make poor Quilty gear keeping the names you know & onced love yes maybe it time to stream my music  BUT to $ 3 $ 4 K 7 up is  B/S story ill buy from the underdog making a good product & at a FAIR price  Doing the Same Thing Over & Over spending Big Buck & expecting a change  YOU Know What They Call That !!!!!!!!!!!
The best dac is the best one , for your ears ! Musicality, “natural” , detailfull … For me , it is the Metronome technologie C6 !
I have owned or tested in my system almost all DACs mentioned here: Audio GD, Orchid, Lampizator Big7, Bricasti, Trubadour. Most of them are fine DACs, very resolving, precise, musical and overall pleasing. However my personal preference goes to Audio Note 4.1, EAR Yoshino DAC 4 and SW1X DAC 3 which can be found on S/H market in your budget. You will notice that almost all DACs mentioned here are R2R DACs with Philips TDA1541 chip. This is not a coincidence. Many audiophiles appreciate R2R DACs and that particular Philips chip. 
@ geleary123: Here it is: the Khadas Tone Board KTB DAC! $90! You supply the case and 5 volt DC power supply. It has near SOTA specs! Khadas also has a complete DAC for $199 for those not into DIY.