Single vs. Dual Subs

It's common wisdom that dual or multiple subs help smooth out bass response in different spots in the room, but what about for a dedicated listening room with a fixed single listening position? What do two subs add to the music presentation that a single dialed in sub is missing provided that single sub is dialed in perfectly for the listening position?
Caveat: not interested in the SWARM method or multiple subs at the moment, strictly comparing single to dual subs
Properly integrating a sub is really hard work, and rarely done by 90% of those who buy a subwoofer.

As a result most audiophiles have never heard a single subwoofer properly set up and think that stereo subs matter for the sake of Left/Right imaging or sensation. They do not if you set them up correctly.

They matter for frequency smoothing, and then only in cases when you have absolute control of their placement, and then, only somewhat.

Better room acoustics and EQ can make a single sub sound glorious and enhance the experience from dual subs as well.

Most audiophiles also try to stick to subs below 40Hz, when in fact cutting off their mains at 80Hz or so tends to greatly reduce doppler distortion (assuming small 2-ways) and increase the amp dynamic range.

Sadly people tend to want to just throw money at a problem that needs expertise. Hire an expert, or get a system with built in room calibration and sub management. You’ll be really glad you did.
Properly integrating a sub is really hard work, and rarely done by 90% of those who buy a subwoofer.

Technically, correct! I would even go as high as 100%. But 90 will do. Which is why I always and only recommend a DBA with 4 subs. Try and do it with just one and you are doomed to failure. When even the guy who uses one knows it is really hard work, and even then works only rarely, everyone should listen. 

And then go out and get more subs. To do it right. 

My listening room doubles as living room so sub placement was dictated by furniture. Even so the Audiokinesis Swarm sounded fantastic out of the box. I am sure I could fine tune it if I had a dedicated room but this is already wonderful with minimum effort
I am currently running two subwoofers. It’s not talked about much but the biggest improvements come in mid range clarity And the highs have a little more pop also not to mention increased soundstage and detail. I also found out that the best sound that I got was from stacking my subwoofers so don’t be afraid to experiment !!!