APL NWO2.5 ?

Though I'm not able to hear this player, I'm about to take the plunge......
Is it as good as some audiophiles claim ?
Good point Drubin...in reality every piece of the chain is important to an optimal result.

The way I interpreted Chungted point, which was the basis for my response, was given an existing system (without regard for how it was put together) one is best advised to optimize from the source back to the speakers. Why? Because so many audiophiles switch out speakers, or cables or amps, or pre-amps, in search of better sound, when in fact, it is their source that is the weaker link in the chain.

Anyway, to each their own, there are lots of ways to nirvana in this hobby/obsession.
The inverse is just as true. Moreso if you ask me.

This may be true but you will have to spend substantial amount of money on downstream components while still not sure if they will truly reveal the source capabilities. The NWO-2.5 is also capable of simplifying things by proving a preamp redundant, especially with the upcoming Wi-Fi and Analog input options. So I think it would be a better idea building up on a solid base instead of starting from the roof.

Just IMO!

I tried to compare NWO-2.5 with or without passing through my pre-amplifier (tubed, famous brand). My pre-amp just restricted performance of NWO on transparency and dynamics. It is very sad that I have to retire my pre-amp from the system.
"Buy the best source first and then work back towards the speakers. Only then can you know for sure how up to snuff the rest of your gear really is."

I agree with Drubin & Alex as well. Garbage in, garbage out. Each improvement to my modded CDP & upgrade to Vinyl in my system has revealed unanticipated refinement in existing downstream components & quieted the upgrade itch for a time. After you're done with the front end, you'll ID for certain what needs attention elsewhere.

Also, it's better to compare CDPs to the constant yardstick of great vinyl rather than to a another CDP. Having recently substantially upgraded both my vinyl rig and my modded SCD-1, I'm at the point that the best RBCD and hi-end vinyl is very close to a toss-up. If as reported the NWO2.5 RBCD is edging out great vinyl then it's one hot ticket. I'm curious which hi-end TT's and phono stages have been equalled by NWO2.5 RBCD.