Going to Rocky Mountain Audio Fest - any advice

So I’ve always wanted to try an event like this. The only other person I know who’s into audio like I am is my best friend from high school back in 1989. In fact I got him into audio, and it just so happens he’s looking for a new pair of speakers in the $10k range. 

Like most of us we are limited by the brick and motar stores that are near us. In my case that’s amounts to zero stores near me.  So I suggested we go to the RMAF and we agreed and so we are off in a few weeks!

Not sure what to expect, but I’m hoping to hear systems I’ve only read about for years and it will be interesting to see how my mail order system will stack up. 

Any my suggestions from festival old hats?  Did I pick a good one to go to?
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So far the stand outs for me:

Elac Adante loudspeakers
Muraudio SP1 loudspeakers - probably my favorite. Best dynamics. 
Eggleston Viginti loudspeaker.

Disapointed with Focal.
And Devore wasn’t as great as I thought they would be.

There were some Ryan 2 ways that were very impressive.

Elac powered small 2 ways had incredible sound and bass that defied physics.
Canceled last year 2020, now   back on schedule
I plan to be there, will tag along with Richard Gray.
Looking  very forward to hearing some speakers i had plans to order, now will present the opportunity to acutally hear several models.
Should be a  blast.
See you guys there. 
The Hifi Guy
new orleans

hardest part for me is some rooms are so crowded it is hard to get a seat and just as hard to get answers to questions if they are carrying a conversation with another patron.

No doubt the speaker room I am interested will be packed to the max and getting Q's answered may be a  issue. I will  send the dealer there in N Carolina a  note if he could  present a  short intro on each speaker, less than 1 minute each design, then open for Q's, and keep answers short N sweet, maybe take groups of 30, the entire session  taking 25 minutes maybe another 5 minute Q session at the end.  . . Sign up for a  group/specific time. , this way no one has to wait outside the room in a  long line.
If you need a  2nd listen, sign up for AM and PM listening session.