I think the total inductance should be Lt = L1 + L2 + Lvc1 + Lvc2
Can we agree that Rt equals 16ohms in series?Yes
Can we agree that Lt = L1 + L2 in series?No, IMO, the first woofer will see the voice coil of second woofer as an inductor in series, same for the second woofer, it will see the voice coil of first woofer as an inductor.
I think the total inductance should be Lt = L1 + L2 + Lvc1 + Lvc2
Can we agree that 1/Ct = 1/C1 + 1/C2 in series?Yes
it's yes to the above, then simply plug those numbers into the equations. f = R/2πLQ and f = Q/2πRC.May be a crossover design simulator software can give us a better answer.