Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!


Your modded 02s certainly intrigue me.  And your Audio neurology hypothesis sounds plausible.  Especially in my case the 02s were my gateway drug in to high end audio, so I'm sure they made an impression on me.  It's like the Quad ESL 57 phenomenon - many people who start with Quad 57s eventually give them up to chase a speaker that does what they love in the Quads, but without the limitations.   "Quads but better."   That's very much how I feel about the 02s.

Admittedly they are still a great place to visit, not to live (for me).  Every time I put them in they show me something missing from whatever speaker I have at the moment.  For instance the Joseph Perspective speakers are insanely high resolution, clear, grain-free - thoroughly modern sound without being anti-septic.     When I put the 02s in I hear a slightly greater palpability and texture and density which I love.  And the 02s stay in the system for quite a while, a week, two, three.  But eventually the lack of refinement, the slight courteousness, compared to what I'm generally used to starts to show and back in go the more modern speakers. 

Prof - I get it. One of my pairs ended up in the living room of the house I'm sharing, driven by PS Audio's Sprout II from a decent CD player. They consistently delight and make me wonder at times if and why most folks would need more to enjoy music. They were retired in 1984 by the SCS and its successors. For all the technical improvements, new solutions, advanced materials of the SCS4 - the 02 really holds its own.

One of these days I'll get you a pair of Renaissance 02s for your critique.
Like the sound of Renaissance and all of the science and art contained.
Like the idea and the visual of a Phoenix once again.

Best for everyone.
