magnepan 1.7 or 3.7 vs spendor s8e

Enjoying a spendor s8e now but have caught the "green is greener..." bug and am considering uppgrading my system.

The new magnepans caught my attention as I like live music renderings, jazz, accoustic music and sometimes large classical ensembles...rock/pop occasionally but not why I bought my current system.

Would the magnepans be an upgrade? What would the main differences be?

Can't comment on the Spendor since I have not heard them. I do use the 3.6's and I can recommend the 3.7's very highly. A caution on the 3.7's however, you need a very powerful, high current cable amp to get the best from them and they should be set at least a couple of feet from the back wall to produce the best sound stage. Actually, four to six feet would be best.

I've listened to hundreds of speakers over the last 30 years and I don't think that you can beat the 3.6's or 3.7's for the money overall. They are not perfect, but they are exceptional in almost every way!
Transition. Be careful.
The transition from a British speaker like Spendor, is a leap...very different presentation. I personally like the British Sound that Spendor represents...unlike B&W, it's a pleasant sound, very nice with a warm rich presentation. Always a fav of mine.
With the THIEL's you're going to hear what you perceive to be (everything's a relationship) a lessening of the mid range. The THIEL's are very flat in the middle, not having a foward MR presentation like the Spendor.
Again, the Spendor is so pleasant, colors that I like it's nice, very nice. The THIEL's could sound, may sound a little cold by comparison. Just knowing this so you're not surprised is helpful.
The Maggies, flat but a seemingly richer more forward middle.
The most startling thing about the 1.7, is it's total lack of box sound...if you're not aware of what 'boxes' sound like, you will be once you hear the 1.7.
These are wonderful speakers.
They will NOT give you the illusion of 'punch' that you get with dynamic speakers. Let's face it, moving a mass the distance dynamic drivers do, versus Magnepan, is minuscule by comparison, and your ear will definitely notice the difference.
After the adjustment, and given the price differential, I would think that the Maggies would be your most economical choice.
Then you get into cosmetics, money and all the other things that practical people, not audio nuts seem to evaluate.
Me...for the money, I'd try the Maggies.

thanks, larry. very helpful. i must admit i love my spendors quite a bit. hopefully i can demo some maggies here in the sf area