Anyone else enjoy putting together Frankenstein low to mid-fi -systems?

Throw the rules away by chance?
Last, but not to be the least, an actual Frankenstein system:    In case of any doubt, check out the power conditioner. As bad as it looks from outside let me assure you inside is an absolute horror show!
And remember, we're werewolves now swearwolves!

The perfect movie to demo your Frankenstein system? I'm partial to documentaries.
I started out in high school hot wiring portable radios and tape players to larger external speakers. Does that count?

I also built a few radio kits back in those days to get started.

As an innocent 7 year old I stuck a sewing needle into a cartridge to get it to play my first records. It worked! I heard music! Several electrical shocks along the way playing with the phonograph transformed me into the electrifying hifi creature I am today.😁