Why did you choose the components and speakers that are in your system?

I have an opportunity to build another system and I'm looking to mix up the sound I seek and it occurred to me to ask the 'goners! So..... why did you choose the components in your current system? In other words- what was important to you when building it? 
I got really great deal for them for the Main basement system. Aerial 10t are true performance champions for $1000 price tag paid on tag sale 
for secondary system I got great deal on BW DM604 $100 at another tag sale.
seek and it occurred to me to ask the 'goners! So..... why did you choose the components in your current system?
Please research the top 2 Point Source speaker labs.
Voxativ and AER. 
Before you decide to buy any speaker.
There are hundreds of used speakers on the market, but do consider new Point Source. 
based on my 40 yrs as audiophile. 
For amps go tube
Any  one will do just fine. 
But my prefered is Cayin and Jadis.
Source, tube cd player, Or tube DAC, Prima Luna or Shanling. 
I am using a Shanling as the Drive and a Jadis DAC, bought used, these are quite expensive new. 
Hope that helps ya. 
Also , all my wires/cables are navships off ebay, He is slow on filling the order, but worth the wait.
Even my Defy has new navships internal wires.
+1 Because they sound superb.  But really, you are looking for direction.

Gut punch dynamics, lightening attack, full soundstage, instrument/vocals separation, live performance without sounding clinical.  Is that about right?

IMO achieved only through really good expensive active speakers.  The rest you'll need to work out for yourself.
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