Rogue Audio Stereo 100, Atlas Magnum III anybody running them? Sound signatures?

I have been looking at the Rogue Stereo 100, and at the Atlas Magnum III. not a lot of info or reviews out there (including on this site).
So who runs either of these? and what do they sound like e.g.  Warm and airy, or cool and sterile?
Plan on a Schiit Freya +, and Bifrost 2 front end with TT, and feeding Martin Logan EM ESLs.
I had the Stereo100s.  Excellent and highly recommended.  The bass is full and articulate.  The midrange clear with good separation of instruments and a wide soundstage.  Treble is not harsh.  The overall sound is not "warm" as would be expected with a tube amp.  Yet, it is certainly not clinical or cold as with SS.  If you get the 100, consider having Rogue upgrade the unit to the "Dark" version.  I did and it made a significant improvement especially with the bass and the separation of musicians.  (I recently sold the 100 only because I upgraded to the Rogue Apollo Darks mono amps which are truly fantastic.). Nick and Mark at Rogue are extremely available and responsive and will help and advise you.  Great company.  Highly recommend the 100.  Incidentally, there are excellent professional reviews on line, albeit from around 2018.  
I only found 4 reviews online, but they were very positive. I am leaning toward the Stereo 100, I like the Balanced input option. What is the Dark version?
BTW nice step up to the Apollos, there is a video at a trade shoe where Mark is bi amping some  big MLs with 2 Apollos  each, I imagine it took care of the job.
I’ve had the Stereo 100 for ~3 years now (driven by an RP7), and had no plans to upgrade... now you have me interested in this upgrade. Any details regarding what they do in this dark upgrade? Already very pleased in the bass performance of the Stereo 100, to improve on that would be impressive. Regarding the Stereo 100, it’s dynamic, detailed, but "muscular". Doesn’t break a sweat with music that would sound disorganized or frenetic on other amps. Love the treble decay, which tubes seem to get better than SS IMO. Stereo 100’s bass better is superior in quality to the SS Parasound Hint and NAD 388 that preceded it in my system. +1 to excellent Rogue customer service as well. They’re good people. Edit: my listening tastes are like 70% jazz, the rest fusion, afrobeat and rock, with a bit of female vocals (inc. Nina Simone, Sarah Jarosz). The Stereo 100 seems adept at all of those, and is versatile.  Oh the Stereo 100 is super quiet in my hands.