Townshend Seismic Podiums

Has anyone purchased Townshend Seismic Podiums to be used on Vienna Acoustics speakers such as the " "Music"  or the  "List"? If so, how do you feel they affected the sonics in terms of bass and overall soundstage?
Any feedback is appreciated.
Environmental rumble is composed of a number of elements including seismic activity, traffic, construction work, people walking in the house, the washing machine, and in my case the woodworking shop. Will isolating the speaker from this improve your sound?  The speaker is not capable of amplifying this vibration so there is absolutely no interaction between environmental rumble which is and the sound you hear from your loud speaker. This is very unlike the situation with a turntable which is quite capable of amplifying environmental rumble allowing it to distort the sound that you hear.
They can be used either way. Bear in mind the main point of outriggers is stability. Podiums already are wider and more stable. It won't gain anything going even wider, but you will need larger Podiums to accommodate outriggers. 
Thanks Millercarbon and by the way, what is your real name?

Of course I am looking for improvements in sonics, however out riggers sitting on top of the podiums might be minimal in aesthetics and cause more problems for adjustments so that's why I think the speakers should be on the podiums without the outriggers. 

Thanks Millercarbon and by the way, what is your real name?

Of course I am looking for improvements in sonics, however out riggers sitting on top of the podiums might be minimal in aesthetics and cause more problems for adjustments so that's why I think the speakers should be on the podiums without the outriggers. 

Those speakers will probably both look and sound better sitting directly on Podiums. You may want to experiment with different materials between the speakers and the Podiums. I use BDR Cones on Round Things. Partly for looks, partly to make it easier to avoid scratches. It is overkill, I wouldn't go out and buy them for this, but I have em so I use em. 