New Topping D90SE DAC

I was planning of ordering the brand new DAC from Topping as their previous units have always measured well and many found they really liked the balanced sound. 

I read the audioscience review but measures don't always translate into pleasant sound quality. 

Does anyone have any experience with the new unit? 
I have a Topping DX3 they highly rated.  It spends all of it's time in a box.  Just never got into it.  My Mytek and NAD integrated's built in DAC just sound better to me. 

Kind of odd I wasn't more fond of it as I tend to like units with AKM DACs in them.
The new topping dual AKM D70S mqa great R2R like sound for  $650 
better then topping d90 mqa dac  IMO  ,good dacs if  you can’t afford over a grand .
I own the Gustard X26 Pro ($1500) that is mentioned in the Topping D90SE review that I linked above. The Gustard is incredible and also preferred over the Topping D90SE by the reviewer. It is both detailed and warm. Maybe not as detailed as my Benchmark DAC3B (and likely Topping D90SE) but that is a matter of minor differences. The warmth of the Gustard makes it suitable for many setups. Along with the NOS/OS mode and 3 custom filters.
Topping. IFI. Hidizs — all rated highly by measurements. All sound mediocre to me. 
Schiit does neutral very well. If that’s what you want. Otherwise RME, Chord Qutest, Mytek. In that order. 
You nailed it — measurements mean little.