Can the Same Brand Power Tubes Have a Different Sound When Bought From Different Vendors?

I'm not talking about major differences but those subtle changes like tighter bass, more sparkling highs, better definition between instruments,  bigger soundstage, etc.? Is this what you get when you purchase through the vendors that hand select and match at operating temps and check more of the parameters that isn't necessarily checked by the factory? IOW, , will I get a better set of power tubes from a vendor who checks their tubes more closely that those who sell the factory  Apex matched tubes direct from the factory? IOW, other than life span what is better about the tubes which come from the better vendors?

I assume this is so but I don't like to assume? The reason I'm asking is because I have a set of Gold Lion KT88 and am considering another set of Gold Lions KT88 from one of the better vendors IE Jim McShane.  I like to have a backup set and switch them out from time to time. The ones I now have were factory matched.  Thanks for your help.
RAM Tubes, the highest standard in tube scrutiny and grading done by any human, that human (Roger A. Modjeski) unfortunately (for us remaining here on Earth) now having moved on to a higher plane.

I'm no Roger A. Modjeski, but were he still here, he would (I believe) tell you that a tube doesn't itself have "a sound", but rather a given tube in a given circuit results in an amplifier that creates a "certain sound". For a glimpse into the wisdom possessed by Roger, read through all the postings on his still-viewable threads on the AudioCircle Music Reference Forum. I am hesitant to throw around the adjective "genius" ( I reserve that for the likes of J.S. Bach), but Roger comes damned close.
All tubes are not created equally and most depend on production period. 
Best is to get them from same vendor who can provide tighter matching and same working parameters by your request and could have stock from same batch.
Winged C6550 could be the top tube of its kind  but KT88 may work better in your amp, you have to try to find out.

No USA and UK production tubes for decades! Same for Western Europe! Nowadays only some Eastern Europe and Russian production available. And of course China! All those "name brand" tubes sold by various vendors are new production. They probably are not equivalent quality to the tubes made during the heyday of tube production during the 40's, 50's and 60's!
NOS USA, UK and Western Europe tubes from the 40's, 50's and 60's are as scarce as hen's teeth!