Class D amps that are superior to all or most?

Recently, I have heard about some Class D amps that may be close to the best there is regardless of class. Certainly, this technology has been in development for decades. The main issue has always been the switching power supply. In this regard, I have taken notice of AGD. They have created a whole new power supply that “switches” at a frequency 100 times the normal silicon based MOSFET. The designer uses a gallium nitride based PS. Interesting, it is enclosed in the KT88 glass envelope that sits on top of his amps. I am aware of two more pricey amps that seem to be also at the top- the Solution and the Merrill. There must be others that compete for the title. After my thread, “Is there a SS amp that can satisfy a SET guy?”, I am still on the quest.
Don’t want to spend $50K!
I'm doing class D over here and it  doesn't sound harsh to me. Everything is so system dependent. In some ways, my previous First Watt F7 was slightly brighter than my current Wyred 750 LE.

I am enjoying a similar revelation (hearing real people and real instruments), though I didn’t spend big money for my EVS1200 (~$2300) and though I have raved about it for the past almost 2 years, I am experiencing it with a whole new level of appreciation. Ditto my Audio Alchemy DDP-1 dac/pre + PS 5 outboard power supply

I wish I could properly thank the person who headed me in the right direction to move on from my optical cable to Coax, but, alas, I don’t recall who :(. Being frugal, I started with Pangea Premier SE 1.0m (on sale at Audio Advisor for $49.95). When I mentioned it in my thread I was told minimum 1.5m is desired. Well from other companies each 0.5m length increase is $50+++, whereas the Pangea is only $10 more, so it’s on its way. It should arrive by Saturday which will give me ample time to break in the 1.0m, though it sounds amazing after just one hour of play

EVS is no longer making the EVS 1200, but has other class D amp tweaks that many can afford


While the 1.5m SE 6 was much better, I went for the Pangea XL. It sounded better than the 1.5 , but I then saw the XL was only $150, so I returned the 1.5m SE. It took about 50 hours to break in. WOW. By far the best $150 Ive spent in many years
said it before, will say again

class d is a technology... a designer can use and harness a technology towards a certain end, the designer can make a class d amp sound dull, bright, lively, smooth, sizzly or bottom heavy -- just like designers of class a or ab solid state amps have voiced their amps to their tastes for years and years

each technology has its strengths and challenges (eg, tube amps’ bass, ss a/b amps’ imaging depth, class d’s decay and harmonics) which set some broad sonic parameters, but there is wide wide latitude in the sound of the finished product, and a good designer can overcome the shortcomings

specificity matters here for class d units, like anything else...

-- w4s st series is voiced warm and smooth as silk, maybe even a little dull, by ej sarmento
-- devialet amps have flat extended frequency response up top, with a bit of spotlit richness in the midrange and mid bass
-- nad’s amps are leaner and sounds quick and boppy but not much body nor saturation
-- agd (just got a pair of audions, now listening) is extended, clear, yet has body and weight where needed - they are truly excellent btw, won’t belabour that here

just like a parasound sounds different from a hegel from a belles from a naim from a mccormack from a pass

just because you tried one class d amp recently or some time ago and came away with an impression does not qualify you to make blanket pronouncements on all of them out there