Oppomod femto clock upgrade Oppo 205

Appreciate feedback as I'm considering for mine. Thanks.

The Clock upgrades the Oppo sound signature significantly. I own a Modwright 205 and recently purchased an Aurender N20. When comparing the USB vs BNC outputs, the synchronous output of the N20 utilizes the 12.9 mhz clock of the N20. The sound signature become significantly more natural. The soundstage becomes more transparent front to back with small details emerging. 

IMO the Oppomod Femto clock would be well worth the $450 for my Modwright Oppo though I haven’t done it yet because of my soldering skills. I would have to send my module in to have Oppomod do the install meaning I would be without music for a couple of weeks.

Good luck. 👍
I wrote a 1 sentence reply suggesting the OP consider the ROI of the mods he is considering. 

Professor Knee-Jerk then replies with many words accusing me of bloviating.  Ahem...

blo•vi•ate blō′vē-āt″
  • intransitive verb To discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner.

Classic projection by @millercarbon . 
I think that modifying an Oppo is not a good use of resources.  For better SQ, better to buy a good DAC, and they are getting better.  A good DAC will hopefully have a better power supply, a good femtoclock(s) and a discrete analog section.  The Oppo has none of these.  At the beginning, use the Oppo spdif or optical output into the DAC and you will hear a clear improvement.

Also, once you modify an Oppo, you'll never sell it.  

Eventually you may find, as other have, that there are better ways to get digital streams into your DAC.

I'll put in my two cents here on this question, I've owned the Oppo 205 with Tube mod by Modwright, before the Oppo I owned  a Esoteric Cd player and a Ayon Signature II streamer/Dac both costing more than double my modified Oppo, all I can say is I no longer have the Esoteric or the Ayon, my Oppo blew them away no joke!