Woodsong Garrard 301, Artisan Fidelity 301, Shindo 301, SME 301, or etc.?

I feel fortunate to own a beautiful Woodsong 301. Chris Harban is great to work with and has an incredible amount of knowledge. I believe he is among a handful of the best restorers. Artisan Fidelity seems to also do a great job and may even surpass Woodsong. And there are others in the cottage industry doing restorations.
Then there is the venerable Shindo version and, now, SME bought the original Garrard name and design and has come out with version using mostly original parts but saying that they aim to manufacture new. But the general view says that the SME one doesn’t compare to the great restorers. Has anyone bought any of these or others?
Look at Thoren the NEW DD TD124. Its a direct drive, what's that all about?

The old rim drives are tough to beat. Just like the old Belt/rim are (TD124s) BUT they both ride on a ball.. that is a problem.. It's not one that bothers ME but they do make noise.. Air lift or Mag lift (or assist) is the only way to eliminate the issue, IF it is an issue for you to begin with.

As far a accurate speed, forget it.. That is for recording not playback..
Speed control.. Remember.. it is for RECORDING.. You can't tell the difference in 32.3 vs 33.3 until I speed it UP..
Musicians can, percussionist it is their JOB.. Timing...
I think with your question we must distinguish  the differences between "restorers" and one who modifies to potentially make better.  Do all those fall into the same category?
Woodsong appears to offer plinths and I don't know if he does anything to the 301 like new platter and bearing.  We know Artisan Fidelity mods the 301 to a highly expensive level,  then we have to ask is it still a 301?
Same for Shindo.
SME seems to literally restore to origina and plop it into their own plinth and use their own arms,  no choices?

Question now is which do you want.

Chris at Woodsong does a complete rebuild including new platter.
In addition to highly developed plinths. Mine was $11K. Artisan Fidelity seems to go to a higher, but not necessarily better, level.
They are a few thousand more but Chris says that they farm out much accounting for the extra cost. Chris does everything himself and does an excellent job. I am thrilled with mine. Upgraded to a Triplanar arm and Lyra Atlas SL cart and Atma-Sphere MP-1 pre phono stage. Think his 301s are probably more like classic ones.
The SMEs are a new version and may also be more classic. No, only a SME arm. Think a 309. Maybe you can get a IV or V. But think they come only with the 309.
Do you have a 301? Rebuilt?