Need a DAC Recommendation.

Im retired and can only spend $1200 to $1500 on a DAC. What would you recommend? I assume I will be in the Used market.  Thanks!
An Ayre Codex will give the Schiit Yggy a run for the money, plus you can get one for less than $1K.
I owned both, but have moved to the Ayre Qb-9 Twenty.
I have the RME adi-2 and MHDT Orchid and enjoy both but very different. I added the Teddy Pardue psu to the RME and added better caps and 6sn7 and 6922 tube adapters to th MHDT.

The RME has nice big bass very transparent without being analytical and a lot of features. The Orchid is more analog not as transparent but very enjoyable. There both great but I tend to listen to the RME more but the Orchid is great with acoustic jazz and blues and images very well.
Lots of excellent options in that price range.  What sound characteristics are most important to you?  That’ll largely dictate which DAC might be best. 
I have had the Audio mirror, Aurender N10, sw1x Dac, and just recently a Chord TT2 in my system. I also have an RME ADI2 Dac Fs. For me the RME has the best sounds at about$1200.  I am also using a CXN v2 for streaming and the built-in Dac is actually pretty good all for$1099. I also added the Teddy Pardo PS to the RME, it's not going anywhere soon.