Townshend Seismic Podiums

Has anyone purchased Townshend Seismic Podiums to be used on Vienna Acoustics speakers such as the " "Music"  or the  "List"? If so, how do you feel they affected the sonics in terms of bass and overall soundstage?
Any feedback is appreciated.
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don't believe me? - put a heavy dumbbell on your acoustics - the sound will deteriorate - it will become jammed ...
However, just like isolation produces a decolouration by helping to limit cabinet resonances, placing a tuned mass damper with absorbtion materials atop of the cabinet will realise equally a significant increase in performance.

@serjio - I know you didn't mean speaker cabinets, and your discussion has merit, I am just trying to point out one exception.

Tuned Mass Damper, some of you might want to look that up, those of you holding onto rigid methodologies. You can be stuck in the methods of the past, but once you have tasted superior engineering practices, make no mistake, you will go to church (so to speak).

@pengun & clearthinker - boing boing sounds abso-flaming-lutely glorious!

I was able to borrow some for a month while a friend was building his house. I was blown away. I build custom speakers. So I got out my accelerometer to measure vibrations of the cabinets. With and without were VERY different in the cabinet vibrations. And it was very audible. ONLY cost prevents me from purchasing my own. YMMV, but I git measurable results to back up what I was hearing in my own system.
The simplified version of how the platforms work is simple ... They find the acoustic zero of the speakers vibrations. Neither coupling or decoupling from the floor. They end up acoustically floating, without vibrations affecting the speakers any longer. It works.
Nobsound springs are under $30 per set of four. They are not damped, and this results in some amount of resonant behavior coloring the sound. It is however almost always low level enough to not be noticeable- except when compared to Townshend which are optimally damped and therefore have a huge reduction in coloration and greatly improved natural timbre.

My speakers, amp, turntable, everything went from Cones to springs to Pods and Podiums. The improvement at each step was not subtle. Not at all. I dare say no one would prefer Cones to Nobsound, and am even more certain everyone would prefer Podiums to Nobsound- or any other undamped plan spring. I can totally believe you were blown away. Try Nobsound, they are not on the level of Townshend but you will be shocked how good they are for the money.