Original Legacy Studio Speakers

I’ve been kind of feeling like my LSA-10’s are a little too laid back for my amp, and I stumbled across a listing for a pair of Legacy Studios over on US Audio Mart. I’m thinking they might be a good match for my (CODA built) Legacy amp. 
Problem is that although the ad states that the drivers are original, they look different than the pics in the manual I found on Legacy’s website. Tweeter housing is different and woofer seems to lack the characteristic woven texture of kevlar.
Is it possible that these are an early version with slightly different drivers, or is this likely a bait and switch? Just thought I’d see what you guys thought...

the listing:


the manual:


thanks and cheers

I swear my Signature III sounded mediocre until I boxed ’em up for sale. Then I got a local interested buyer who wanted to demo them - and set them up quickly in a different location, where they just so happened to sound AMAZING. Ah, such fun times I could’ve had with them if I wasn’t such an idiot. And to think I sold them for only $1800 (Rosewood, mint condition), an absolute steal.

My friend also had these speakers in his dedicated basement room where they also sounded awesome, so I should have known it was setup at fault.

The Signature III is pretty damn close to "true" full range with its trio of 10" woofers per side. A LOT closer than other audiophile speakers in its price range. Sounded better integrated than a subwoofer too. That’s what made it such a fun listen. I guess you won’t get that from the Studio monitors, which were probably intended either as nearfield monitors or as rear/surround speakers :(

There is also an old Classic model which is just a slightly compacted Signature III.
Look for some original Legacy Focus. Sig. 3 was good, but Focus took to another level. I know, owned both.
I’m pretty much restricted to stand-mount monitors due to the size of my listening space. Of course, there’s the Calibre, but at $5000+ those ARE out of my price range.
I had the old LSA 10's. Liked them, slammin bass but a bit too warm. I now have Calibres and they are amazing.

I've heard the newer Studio HD's twice and they can flat out rock but are also rich, full and detailed on jazz etc. I can't vouch for the earlier versions but Bill Dudelston designs great speakers and I can't imagine you'd be disappointed. Don't be afraid to give them lots of power.
With speakers that are now pushing 20 years old, should I be concerned about the crossovers needing rebuilt? Caps drifting out of spec, etc?
@bajaed Were your LSA’s from before Underwood HiFi acquired the company? Jealous of your Calibres, btw...