Blindfold Speaker testing

So if we made a  experiment where a  group of seasoned audiophiles had to choose  which speaker is best over all, 
6 brands all hidden behinda  curtain.
5 top dawgs in the xover box low sens design and 1 of the high sens PS design. How do you think the results will come out?
But we will not tell the group what speakers are behind the curtains, They will have no idea 1 of the speakers is Point Source. 
How do you think the, or lets say which 1 speaker do you think would come out on top?
No lets do this, Lets give the  group a  list of 5 speaker brands, Walsh, Wilson, Tannoy, and 2 others which are very popular, like Joseph with the Seas. 
and 1 more,
The mystery speaker is not listed, so they have no idea what speaker it is.
The ? speaker is the high sens Point Source.
Now Richard Gray hosts this *guess which speaker event* as he is a  master of these types of gimmicks and  has seasoned audiophiles fooled every single time.
Which speaker do you think will make top of the list in results??
I know.
The Mystery Speaker.
Then Richard pulls the curtain and reveals the winner.
Got ya
The Hifi Guy

And once you get any of the 5 speakers home, it will sound different in your room. The test is pointless. The true test is how the speaker will sound in your own room. 

Do you know about genetic and non-genetic variation among individuals? This variability requires a much larger sample size to produce any meaningful outcome.

Again, an individual's central and peripheral auditory system is the largest variable in any such test - something that many engineers apparently will never understand. It  may be that Elon Musk's Neuralink(R) will provide a direct link between amplifier output and medial orbitofrontal cortex.
So what we know is that he is proposing a gimmick, a stunt, or a prank. Seems pretty definitive that is just a side show and not anything resembling a legitimate test.
Again, an individual's central and peripheral auditory system is the largest variable in any such test

My tech geek believes audiophiles at least most, need their hearing tested, 
It was only when I had the Seas Millennium tweet on one channel a  point source on the other channel, fliped back and forth did I make the realiztion dome tweeters are dinasuars, 
The Millennium completely totally rolls off the highs,  so whats left are the mids, which sound like a  wet blanket has been thrown over the speaker.

No one really knows just how bad their speakers perform/sound until they compare them to a  quality high sensitivity speaker. 
Til then   we all think the world of our speakers. 
Troel's speakers, being the worlds best, can't match a  single high sens driver, not from say 1khz-12khz. 
As I say I have no expectations a  high sens single driver will be the Be All End All. 
I already have bass and tweeter. 
I only need the most critical driver, midrange. 
The only driver that I know which exists that can voice high fidelty for full orchestra is a  high sens Full Range, 
This has been my mantra past 6 months. 
Each day this realiztion becomes more clear and focused.
If the new tech is avaliable at a  very affordable price where anyone is able to access.
Why reject it?? 
Makes no sense.
I've been searching off/on past 40 years for a  high fidelity speaker. 
And finally  my research has paid off.
If you don't seek, you'll never find. 
Its just not going to drop out the sky. 
And I should thank a few here , mentioning the new Full Range drivers. 
This design is not popular here On Audiogon, I accept that. 
As to the whys, I have no clue.
Old dogs can't learn new tricks.