speakers for classic receiver

Hello, I need some help matching speakers with two Sansui receivers: the 881 and the g 9000. Would the Focal Aria 936, flr standing speakers be too much stress on those receivers? I was informed that 8ohm would be best. However,  since i'm  not familiar with the technical aspects of speakers , sensitivity and ohms< I  need  assistance. The Aria specs  state they have a nominal impedance of 8ohm but a minimum low of 2.8ohm. That min. low impedance is confusing. In short, are these speakers a good match?I dont play music loudly at all and not for long periods. My room size is approx. 15 x14 x8. Both Sansui models were fully serviced ( recapped, aligned, cleaned). Thanks for any help and information.
     "I dont play music loudly at all and not for long periods."                                    

                Based on that statement: don't sweat it!

      Most SS amplifiers don't have a problem with lower impedances, but will increase output, as long as things don't get crazy.

       If they do get crazy (ie: impedances too low/too much power requested): things can heat up quickly.

        "Aria specs state they have a nominal impedance of 8ohm but a minimum low of 2.8ohm. That min. low impedance is confusing."

        Any driver with a voice coil moving within a magnetic gap, can exhibit some pretty wide variations in it's impedance curve, as opposed to it's nominal value (ie: 4 or 8 Ohm, during operation, due to things like back EMF, enclosure resonances/design and frequency.    At a driver's lowest frequencies, it will usually also exhibit it's lowest impedances.

      ps: Given the Aria 936's sensitivity of 92dB/2.83V/1M: driving them with the 881's 60 Watts, at your described levels, in that size room, would be easy.

      With the G-9000's 160 Watts, you could drive them crazy, as well as any neighbors!

      That is: IF (note: that's a big one) all the electrolytic capacitors in those pieces have been replaced and/or are up to full spec.
Hey Trent,

I have a bit of experience with Focals and their impedance curve.

The issue is one of nuance. Yes, this receiver would play these speakers. It may also not put out as much where the impedance is lowest. You'll here that range depressed compared to say a beefy monoblock. That may work for you in your room or it may make the speakers lack bottom end punch.
Rodman9999: Thank you for your input and the attached link. I mentioned the Focal Aria for a specific reason. A friend that I played tennis with has a client who recently acquired two brand new pair of Flr speakers as part of an estate sale, one of them being the Focal Aria 936. I dont know what the other brand is. He said that he has no use for them so she asked me if I wanted both pair of speakers. Neither of us heard of that brand but someone informed me that Focals considered an excellent brand in Europe and sent me a link so I can get a sense of their worth. It would be ashame if they were not suited for the receiver. I never had a Sansui classic receiver but have heard on of the models a few years make.