Contact -enhancer, fuses - NOS 1260 High fidelity audio cables

My friend bought a  bit what seems a bit pricy, but I split the cost ,and without question this very special blend is far more powerful then I thought ,I expected a small change but just letting it play for several days a profound improvement, I took two pair of wire wire eclipse cables one treated one not , , as well as fuses 
and then removed , my brother changed them not mentioning which ones ,only 1 sets time needed for integrated amp 
a sizable increase in resolution and image depth , soundstage too was wider as well as deeper .I 
waited a couple hours in between , the fuses synergistic orange , they too were very much improved .
I am going to let them seat  in another 100 Hours at least .I still have not done the power cord, or speaker cables yet . I am very impressed. I was very much a skeptic, since I already have been using 
stabilant 22 which I thought was respectable increase in fidelity . Before making any type of opinion 
it’s well worth trying ,I was told in a week they are coming out with 1/2 size bottles for $349 which will do several audio systems, a light application goes a long way and IMO a noticeable increase in fidelity 
for minimal cost.
I had the PPT paste and was not impressed as you and many have been.
To me, it seemed to darken the high frequencies. That was my concern about the 1260.
But, I was surprised and relived that this product did not. In fact the highs seem to be clearer and shimmer more. The formulas may be slightly similar but the outcome is different.

Stabilant 22 is really good for keeping cables from corroding. I have used it extensively. Really great for lawn equipment. i.e. batteries etc. But the 1260 greatly improves audio sound quality.

Rick at High Fidelity was for along time a big proponent for the use of 
Stabilant and I think he sold it on his website for sometime.
The 1260 product improves all facets of sound reproduction  including mid bass speed, clarity and punch. Tom
I coated my interconnects power cables fuses and all of my speaker cables jumper wires in my home theater system two months ago. I still remember coming upstairs from treating my system and turning it on to a news station that I regularly watch. For the first time I could hear the size of the room the anchor was speaking in. Same thing happened to me later on that night watching a movie with Kevin Costner stirring his coffee I could hear the inside of the cup clinking against with a spoon. I’ve experienced all the qualities that everybody has also mentioned and let go of the rest that I had left in my bottle to two other people one being installer who also had great results. Like everyone else it’s been A substantial upgrade to my system. Jim