Blindfold Speaker testing

So if we made a  experiment where a  group of seasoned audiophiles had to choose  which speaker is best over all, 
6 brands all hidden behinda  curtain.
5 top dawgs in the xover box low sens design and 1 of the high sens PS design. How do you think the results will come out?
But we will not tell the group what speakers are behind the curtains, They will have no idea 1 of the speakers is Point Source. 
How do you think the, or lets say which 1 speaker do you think would come out on top?
No lets do this, Lets give the  group a  list of 5 speaker brands, Walsh, Wilson, Tannoy, and 2 others which are very popular, like Joseph with the Seas. 
and 1 more,
The mystery speaker is not listed, so they have no idea what speaker it is.
The ? speaker is the high sens Point Source.
Now Richard Gray hosts this *guess which speaker event* as he is a  master of these types of gimmicks and  has seasoned audiophiles fooled every single time.
Which speaker do you think will make top of the list in results??
I know.
The Mystery Speaker.
Then Richard pulls the curtain and reveals the winner.
Got ya
The Hifi Guy

CD318, "Cognitive Dissonance"?  Really?  Do you even know what that really means or did you look that one up in your Thesaurus?  Is that where the CD handle comes from?  "Preconceptions"?

Lighten up, man!  This is supposed to be fun!  I've got absolutely nothing against blind-testing and I don't think most folks, including audiophiles, do.  I'd love to be able to do that sort of thing with audiophile components or just in general!  It would be fun and interesting to read about tests like this with all sorts of audiophile equipment.
He's just a single driver fan boy who sounds like he bought a pair and wants everyone to agree with his purchase, which he's having grave doubts about. 

Is buyers remorse the opposite of expectation bias, and usually the outcome?

Also, it's sad to see all the advocates of blind listening tests come out of the woodwork, on command, after all the discussions disproving the efficacy of it. Zombies.

All the best,
Post removed 
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a blind test. The only variable can be the speaker playing. It is much harder than lining up speakers behind a curtain and playing them one after another. The volume level must be matched, the speakers placed in the same position, and the listener position controlled. There are other variables to control as well. Otherwise, the "test" is nothing more than a gimmick, a stunt, or a prank as the OP has so correctly called it previously in this thread. The sort of test described in the OP proves absolutely nothing.