Why are some of us so frightened of the OPs interesting challenge?
I understand that many old faithful audiophiles just can not let go the old xover/box designs. Its been a part of our lives these past decades, its worked for me, so why the need to change. Trust me a high sens new tech driver will present music completely, totally different from what your past experiences have told you is *the right way, the only way* to isten to music.
I'v since jumped ship on xovers in midrange.
One you experienced a full range in mids, you'll never want to go back to box things.
FR speakers somehow threaten to turn their audiophile world upside down.
Look back in Chicago, 1929, some USA lab figured out how to present music witha Field Coil, which offer mids that surpass anything comming out of Seas and scanspeak's lab.
All due to the higher sensitivty, Why should we continue to ignore the old tech which was indeed successful, but long negleced, and now has risen from the dead in a New 21st C technology???
Beats me why the fear.
Just embrace it.