Better than Usher Dancer Mini-X DMD?

I've been using these for a couple of years now and have been very pleased. Recently added an ATC P1 Pro amplifier and a 12-in Jamo Sub 650 to the mix and things got even better. I'm trying to decide if this is my end game as they say. While very good in my opinion, obviously these are not the best stand-mounted speakers in the world so there's always room for improvement. My listening room is 9 ft by 12 ft so I guess that qualifies as near field. I might already be at the point we're spending large amounts of money would only yield small improvements in sound quality, considering my room size. The speakers cost around $3,000 new and just wondering what you guys would suggest in the $5,000 to $10,000 new range, although I would likely buy used to save some money. Thinking maybe Joseph Audio, Dali, Dynaudio, Revel or TAD. All opinions welcome, you guys haven't failed me yet!
What kind of music you listen to and how loud? 
I had Usher BE718 for a few years. Nice speaker but was not the most detailed although tonally was very nice. I would say not very neutral but did sound good on most music. Needed a balsey amp to come alive. 
Monitors in that range I would be looking at some Dynaudios. They do monitors very well IME and from what I read those new Heritage monitors are pretty much sota for their frequency range. 
 I have never heard the Usher so can’t really help. I know you said new but with monitors picking them up or shipping them is much easier. I would look at used Focal Sopra 1s (a few pairs on here). I think they are the monitor to beat at the moment.

New I think the revel m126be is under rated and on pare with pretty much anything in that size of speaker. I another forum I saw a member chose it over the Sopra 1 for sound quality regardless of budget. 
Good one on the Focals! Also could score some Focal Diablos in that price range. Never heard the Sopras but the Utopia Focals are REALLY good IMO.